Friday, June 12, 2009

The big blog/Ibby controversy

In the interest of keeping it positive here at, I've specifically avoided the scandal/nonsense around this week's allegations against Raul. I'm not a doctor, so I don't test pee for a living.

However, I WILL say that I respect and appreciate the way the Phils and Raul have handled the situation. The entire organization basically stated "It's wrong. We'll prove it. End of story."

In the age of random drug testing, it's hard to believe that anyone would take that chance. (I know...Manny...I have no response.)

But according to Raul and the team, he is on his way to a career-making season WITHOUT chemical enhancements. That's good enough for me.

I also heard a Comcast SportsNet reporter breathlessly talking about Raul as MVP Friday morning. Let's do the right things right, people....get yer butt to the MLB All Star site and vote for Raul , and THEN we'll worry about the MVP label!!!
PS: For the record, I do NOT live in my mother's basement. I have a job, a family, my own house, and my own car. I'm not your typical blogger (as evidenced by my infrequent and illogical entries!)


  1. Cool stuff. I linked to your site today over at PhoulBallz. Keep up the fine efforts!

  2. LOL. Good entry, beeyotch. The Ibb-ster don't play dat.
